On November 15th, 1963, the people of Mapoon were violently removed from their houses in the small hours of the morning. Police loaded them onto the Gelam and proceeded to burn down their houses, their school and their store.
This film tells the story of that removal and relocation to New Mapoon, near Bamaga, from the perspective of the Mpakwithi Nation's last remaining elders: Victoria and Susan Kennedy and Agnes Mark along with her husband Johnny Mark of the Warranggu Nation, who has long supported their cultural revival. |
Director Biography - Richard E Haywood
Karin Calley is the General Manager of Pama Language Centre. The Pama Language Centre multi disciplinary language support team works with First Nations language champions and language experts to support and facilitate a wide range of creative engagement activities to record, revive, revitalise and maintain the ancestral languages of Cape York Peninsula.